Pumps & Solar Systems

Lesson Topic/ContentSpecific objectivesCompetencies and Outcomes
Introduction to renewable energyExplain what renewable energy is.Distinguish renewable from non -renewable energy resourcesKnow the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources
Solar Energy-The basic PhysicsIntroduce solar conversion,Carry out  electrical calculationsHave a knowledge to dissect  and solve problems on electricity using equations
Introduction to Photovoltaic SystemsIdentify and name PV system componentsExplain solar home systemsUnderstand the basic components of PV systems.Have knowledge of basic connections of solar home system.Know the range in size of PV systems.
Solar Home System SizingExplain system sizing Introduce different methods of solar home system sizing Outline different steps in solar sizingCarry out a sample design situation,Be able to size basic systems using the standard & sunshine method
Intoduction to solar water pumpingdiscuss applications of solar water pumping & state functions of main components of solar water pumping Size and design a solar water pumping system.Understand solar water pumping applications.Identify main components of solar water pumping system.Should be able to install a basic solar water pumping system.
Safety Precautions ,Basic Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of PV SystemsIdentify site risk and hazards associated with PV systems installationDiscuss maintenance of system componentsDiscuss trouble shooting guidelinesShould be able to assess risks associated with PV systems installationAbility to manage risks and safety measuresBe able to troubleshoot some standard systems faults