Bsc. Fraud Auditing & Forensic Accounting




  • Granjo Institute of Management is a private education training provider (ETP) which was established on 8 December 2017 to provide quality education and training to Botswana, the region and the world at large. The Institute evolved from being training and consulting services to the public and private sectors since 2008. Subsequently, the Institute entered into partnership with a number of international professional examining bodies which are:

The Board of Governors of the Institute realised that there was a great demand for formal education and training and therefore decided to develop a number of programmes aimed at meeting the) requirements. The Institution is registered by the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property. It is also registered and accredited by Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) and its number is ETP 01223. The institute is similarly registered and accredited as an Education and Training Provider (ETP) by the Botswana Learning Programmes Authority in accordance with the Registration and Accreditation of Education and Training Providers regulation of 2016. Its registration and Accreditation number is ETP01223. The Accreditation scope is National Credit Learning Programmes Framework (NCQF) level 5,6,7,8,9,10.

The Institute is accredited to offer undergraduate and post graduate degree programmes under the following departments:

  1. Department of Business Administration.
  2. Department of Information Technology.
  3. Department of Management
  4. Department of Engineering.
  5. Department of Education.

Botswana’s economy is driven by the Government’s National Development Plan (NDP10) which guides tertiary institutions on enrolments and human resources needs. The national plan is consonant with the national Vision 2036 which aims at “achieving prosperity for all” and has 4 pillars. Granjo Institute of Management falls under Pillar 2: “Human and Social Development.” The pillar states that Botswana shall be a moral, tolerant, and inclusive society that provides opportunities for all. Education and Skills Development is clearly the pivot of human resource development which provides citizens with the necessary competencies that enable them to compete globally.

Physical place of operations

The Institute is in Block 3 Industrial area which is easily accessible through private and public transport. Its Head Offices are at: Plot: 20705, Unit 12D, Celiat Building, Block 3 Industrial areas, Gaborone.


To be a leading Institution providing portable tertiary education


To provide excellent tertiary education to students who are strategic and innovative to provide classic skills and competence to the industry and commerce.


  1. Offer programmes of a high quality that are internationally recognized.
  2. Produce a distinct cadre of professionals who are dedicated workers
  • Be involved in cutting edge research and service to the community.
  1. Foster a culture of excellence in both academic and non-academic work.
  2. Offer a conducive teaching and learning environment that allows ideas to flourish.
  3. Apply best practices of institutional governance and management.


G – Graduate students for professional success

R – Research and commitment to academic excellence

A – Accessible and balanced learning experiences

N – Nurturing new knowledge in response to a rapidly changing world.

J – Just in time for a blooming learning season

O– Order of skills in learning programmes


“Changing mind-set for brighter life.”


  • Granjo Institute of Management Registration and Accreditation…


The fundamental mission of Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting undergraduate Learning Programme is to produce graduates with high caliber, technology literate Forensic Accountants who are equipped with knowledge and skills in the following:

  • Forensic Accounting Investigation
  • Forensic Auditing
  • Litigation support
  • Fraud Examination.
  • Utilize rapidly developing information technologies widely used by the Forensic Accounting sector
  • Resolving legal disputes and or arbitration
  • Preparing and submitting expert reports
  • Supporting judges in subjects relating to accounting
  • Verification of accounting records and supporting due diligence.

Graduates will have job opportunities in the Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting sector as well as in other sectors, such as in banks and other financial companies, stock exchange, legal firms, police forensic department insurance companies and consulting companies. They will get career positions as Certified Forensic Accountants and Certified Fraud Examiners, administrative positions in the Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting sectors and universities.


Students trained in the programme will be equipped with knowledge skills and competences in many areas of specialisation. Graduates will remain as Fraud Auditors and Forensic Accounting specialists, applying their skills and knowledge to those specific aspects of industry’s technical operations that call for Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting Practitioners.

BSc. in Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting plays a pivotal role in the Botswana economy which demands skills in the following professions:

  • Investigative Account assistance.
  • Forensic Accountant.
  • Forensic Auditor.
  • Fraud Investigator.
  • Equity Research Analyst.
  • Financial Analyst.
  • Investment Analyst.


To create a graduate of a Bachelor’s Degree who is able to:

  1. Demonstrate intellectual independence, critical thinking and analytic rigour.
  2. Engage in self-directed learning.
  3. Apply knowledge and skills related to the ideas, principles, concepts, chief research methods and problem-solving techniques of a recognised major subject.
  4. Explore the skills needed to assess information from a range of sources.
  5. Engage in communication and collaborative skills.


Upon completion of the programme, the graduate will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of business transactions that are relevant to the financial growth of a business, such as making financial statements, auditing and preparing budgets for an institution.
  2. Exhibit a strong practical knowledge, skills and competencies in computer software, network systems and be able to use software applications.
  3. Apply knowledge, skills and competencies in different statistical approaches.
  4. Develop expert knowledge of Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting Systems in government departments, financial institutions and legal systems.
  5. Conduct practical exercises involving investigative research, interviewing techniques and methods of investigating financial crimes, device techniques used in solving financial crimes, rules of evidence, sources of information, forensic accounting procedures, and current issues on financial investigations.
  6. Apply research knowledge, skills and competencies in a practical research situation which is aligned to the graduate’s areas of specialization.
  7. Work at an organization of their choice on attachment to allow the student to acquire practical knowledge in Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting.

3.1.2. Demonstrate the following technical competencies:

  1. Mastery of the principles, theories and applications in the field of Auditing and Forensic Accounting.
  2. Understanding of the roles of accountants, auditors, lawyers and fraud examiners and an awareness of the relevant legislation that governs economic crime, including common law aspects and the law of evidence.
  • Knowledge of all aspects of employee and management fraud.
  1. Exposure to a wide range of case studies relating to fraud and economic crimes.
  2. Knowledge of investigative techniques and tools.
  3. Exposure to best practices in fraud risk management.

  Demonstrate the ability to integrate the following critical cross-field competencies   when applying technical and management competencies:

  1. Computer Competency: understanding the use of a computer in Auditing and Forensic Accounting, how computers assist people and business organizations to work more efficiently and how computers continue to influence business and society. Students will study computer concepts, computer terminology and the role of accounting software, the use of computer applications software to produce various documents, reports and construct spread sheets.
  2. Financial Crimes: Conduct practical exercises involving investigative research, interviewing techniques and indirect methods of proof used in resolving financial crimes.
    • Demonstrate the following specialized technical competencies:
  3. Auditing and Forensic Accounting methods.
  4. Auditing and Forensic Accounting activities.
  • Establish criteria and performance measures in Auditing and Forensic Accounting.
  1. Assess and report technical and procedural applications within the broad field of Auditing and Forensic Accounting.
  2. Develop expertise in Auditing and Forensic Accounting that can contribute to safety, cost or effectiveness in operation.
  3. Certify the quality of Auditing and Forensic Accounting work and the condition of equipment and systems in defined circumstances laid down in recognised standards and codes of practice.
  • Interact effectively with professionals and practitioners in Auditing and Forensic Accounting stakeholders and clients to ensure that Auditing and Forensic Accounting outcomes and developments are fully integrated with the overall system and context.
  • Investigate technological changes particularly their strengths, limitations, costs and risks.
  1. Manage Auditing and Forensic Accounting activities.


Upon the completion of a Bachelor of Science in Auditing and Forensic Accounting, the graduate will have acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to:

  1. Comprehend and apply detailed knowledge underpinning good practice as an Auditing and Forensic Accounting Professional that is specific to the jurisdiction in which he/she practises.
  2. Identify and analyse well-defined Auditing and Forensic Accounting problems in accordance with good practice in the field of learning.
  • Find solutions to well-defined Auditing and Forensic Accounting problems by applying computerised accepted procedures and methodologies.
  1. Make decisions on Auditing and Forensic Accounting activities.
  2. Manage Auditing and Forensic Accounting activities in accordance with good professional management practice.


The holder of a BSc in Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting may proceed to a Master’s Degree programme in the same area, provided one has passed the first degree with a credit or its equivalence or has gained the necessary practical work and research experience.

3.7.1. Horizontal Progression

Graduates of this programme may consider pursuing related programmes for the purpose of multiskilling, retooling or gaining expert knowledge in Auditing and Forensic Accounting. Credit transfer and exemptions may be given in the following programmes:

  • Bachelor of Commerce in Forensic Finance.
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Auditing and Investigative Accounting.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Auditing and Accounting.
  • Bachelor of Science in Forensic Accounting.

3.7.2. Vertical Progression

Graduates may progress to Programmes such as:

  • Master of Commerce in Forensic Finance.
  • Master of Science in Auditing and Investigative Accounting.
  • Master of Business Administration in Finance and Accounting.
  • Master of Science in Forensic Accounting.

3.7.2. Diagonal Progression

Graduates may progress to programmes such as:

  • Post Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Education if they want to be teachers.
  • Master of Science in Project Management if they want to manage projects.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Research for those with a passion for research, analysis and evaluations.


The holder of a BSc in Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting may be employed in the following areas among others:

  • Investigative Accounting assistant
  • Forensic Accountant
  • Forensic Auditor
  • Fraud Investigator
  • Equity Research Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Investment Analyst
  • Risk Analyst
  • Finance Manager
  • Cashier/Teller
  • Corporate Analyst


Access and inclusion to this qualification will be fair and equal to all applicants from a wide range of learning and work experience.Normal requirements:Applicants must have obtained at least NCQF Level 4, Certificate IV (or equivalent) including a pass in English Language and Mathematics.Mature entryApplicants on mature entry should have successfully completed NCQF Level 4 with at least three (3) years’ work experience in the related field. The applicant must also produce a reference letter confirming experience on the job training and stating the number of years.Credit TransferApplicants with credits earned from other accredited institutions shall be recognized for purposes of placement to the equivalent level and possible exemptions of modules. This will be done with reference to the institution’s policy which will be aligned to the BQA national CAT policy.Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (RPL)Applicants with relevant work experience of at least three years may be selected on the basis of recognition of prior learning with reference to the institution’s RPL policy which is aligned to the BQA national RPL policy.


YEAR 1: BSc. Fraud Auditing and  Forensic  Accounting  
YEAR 1 11FAF01Introduction  to Auditing and Forensic Accounting110115
2FAF02Business Communications110115
3FAF03Introduction to Accounting110115
4FAF04Introduction to Economic Crimes110115
5FAF05Information communication Technology110115
YEAR 1 26FAF06Forensic Data Analytics and Electronic Evidence130136
7FAF07Fraud Auditing130136
8FAF08Business Law130136
9FAF09Computer Crimes and Cyber Security130136
10FAF10Money Laundering, Detection and Investigation130136
 YEAR 2:  BSc. Fraud Auditing and  Forensic  Accounting  
YEAR 2 311 FAF11Financial Risk Management  Software130136
12 FAF12Mathematics for Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting130136FAF01
13 FAF13Psychology of the Fraudster140146
14 FAF14Fraud Detection and Techniques140147FAF06
15 FAF15Professional Ethics140147FAF14
Year 2416 FAF16Prevention and Detection of Corruption and Procurement Fraud140147
17 FAF17Cyber Forensics and Information Technology140147FAF14
18 FAF18Creativity and Innovation140147
19 FAF19Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation140147
20 FAF20Public Sector Finance 140147
YEAR 3:  BSc. Fraud Auditing and  Forensic  Accounting
Year 321 FAF21Forensic Investigations140147FAF19
22 FAF23Security Architectures and System Administration140147
23 FAF24Entrepreneurship140147
24 FAF25Project Management140147
Year 3 625 FAF26Financial Accounting & Reporting140147
   26 FAF27Actuarial Products and Liabilities140147
27 FAF28Corporate Finance150157
28 FAF29Forensic Accounting Project150157
YEAR 4:  BSc. Fraud Auditing and  Forensic  Accounting
Year 4 729 FAF30Research Methods140147
30 FAF31International Financial Markets150157FAF26
31 FAF32International Financial Forensics150157FAF29
  Optional Modules (Choose 2)   
32 FAF32Digital Forensics for the Fraud Examiner140147
33 FAF33Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Corruption in Public Organizations140147
34 FAF34Auditing Computerised Information System140147
35 FAF35Fraud in Government Operating Systems140147
Year 4 836 FAF36Dissertation200207FAF22
37 FAF37Industrial Attachment260267
    TOTALS 4900490